"What I love is near at hand."

Friday, January 7, 2011

Jake had an appendectomy.

On Sunday night (January 2nd)Jake's stomach was hurting. The pain
was centralized in the area around his belly
button. By the middle of the night the pain had moved
to the lower right side. It hurt mostly to move or walk.
He had no appetite (didn't even want dessert!) and was a little nauseous. I recognized
these symptoms as possibly being an inflamed appendix, since two of the other boys have had the same
experience. I called my doctor Monday morning, took him in, and they sent me
straight to the ER. By 3:30 PM on Monday he was in surgery. Jake was a trooper.
He didn't seem nervous at all, and he was a very easy patient. Not like Greggy and Johnny were, that's for sure!
The worse part for him was the sore throat from being incubated. We were home by
Tuesday afternoon, where he has been recuperating with the TV and X-box all
to himself. Back to reality on Monday.


Judy and Mike said...
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stephanie said...

oh man, janeen! i'm glad he is ok!

Roy and Jenna Stephenson said...

WOW!! What a way to begin the New Year!! Roy and I are grateful everything went well. It does not suprise us that Jake was such a good patient. Calm, cool, 'let's just get this behind me.' We hope he is feeling 100% better! Love to everyone!!