"What I love is near at hand."

Monday, June 29, 2009

Our summer "Point System."
I've had the boys doing this great little system
for about four weeks now. They have daily responsibilities
that need to be completed before they can play or go anywhere.
This system works great, because it really cuts down on the nagging
to get their "stuff" done. They just refer to their paper, mark
it off, and they are good to go. I love it and so do they. They
can cash in their points for things like grab bag pick (candy), Sonic run,
friends pizza/swim party, date night with mom and dad or save up for something
they really want.

Jake saved and earned 191 points for this
Diamond Backs hat that he had been coveting.
He was so excited when he finally had enough points to
get it! It took him exactly three weeks.

They can earn extra points by playing a board game with Sammy,
babysitting, extra chores, being reverent in church, working on their
scouting, "Faith in God," or "Duty to God," writing in their journal,
reading church magazines, finishing a chapter book, etc.

*This post is for you mom...(she asked me why I hadn't posted in a while!)


lori and clark remington said...

Cute picture! Nice hat! Have a great summer!

Crazymamaof6 said...

very cool Hat Jake! whoohoo! way to go earning those.

love it when the points work awesome for mom! i really need to get it together. we have a version of the points but, there is alot of room for imaginary points with ours.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Great Chart and what a great way to make the summer more fun!

Courtney said...

I love seeing different ways to do chore charts. I like your idea. I'll save it in my mind for when I can use it. Does it work for husbands? Then maybe I could use it now!

Janeen said...

That's funny, Courtney! I just told Scott a couple of days ago that I was going to make one for him, too. (After reminding him one too many times about something that needed to be done!)

roysjen said...

Hi Janeen,
Once again you proved to all of us, that with organization and encouragement, chores get done around your house. I bet all of the men in your life, Scott included, are more than willing to 'get the job done,' especially with the rewards involved. You are 'one in a million!' We are looking forward to being with all of you later this year. Have a great summer!!
Love to all... Jen and Roy