"What I love is near at hand."

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 16:  Missionary preparation classes for this boy

When it was announced that the eligible mission age for young men would now be at 18 years, the church had to cut back the amount of time spent in the missionary training center to accomodate for the onslaught of incoming missionaries.  Our stake held a special fireside last week introducing the implementation of a 13 week missionary prep class for all potential missionaries that are currently mission age or approaching mission age.  Johnathon fits that category, as he will be turning 18 next month and eligible to serve upon high school graduation in May.  Here again, is evidence of "my village" hard at work providing missionary training for my son.  I'm grateful for the opportunity John has to attend these classes each Sunday at 7:00 AM.  I hope that he will come away with an even deeper desire to serve and a stronger testimony and relationship with the Savior. 

I'm also thankful for the good boy that Johnathon is.  He chooses good friends, has never given me a reason to not trust him, and he is having fun playing high school basketball, dating lots of girls, and loves to bowl! I'm grateful for the part-time job he has at Nielsens Frozen Custard which gives
him money for gas, clothes, going out, etc . I love this kid!  He's my go-to guy when I need an opinion on fashion! Seriously, he'll make a great husband one day. 

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