"What I love is near at hand."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"I got the baby down, sweetie." (said by Scott when I came home at 9:00 PM and everyone was still up watching Monday night football.)O.K., this is not "getting the baby down." This is
letting him crash as is. This is just plain gross!
Falling asleep with two suckers in his mouth! Yuck!
Those poor, poor teeth.

*Yes, we still refer to our 3 1/2 year old as "the baby." Probably always will.


The Montgomerys said...

Bristol and Sammy are a perfect match. She walked around with two suckers in her mouth for days. Now the Halloween candy is gone and I couldn't be happier! The dentist just love these kids!$$$$$$

Crazymamaof6 said...

that is too funny! but at least you have something to blog about.

Ruth Anne said...

Oh, my goodness. You gotta love that.

(I think Herston will always be my baby, too.)

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess that is the easiest way to make a little boy happy, and of course get him to sleep. Cute!!! Julie is my baby, and she is 18. he he

Jen Romney said...

Sammy is so dang cute in this picture. But I agree with you on his teeth. I think sammy will always be your baby as I am to my mom.