"What I love is near at hand."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy 18th Birthday G- Man!!! Today Gregory turned 18, officially an adult! I remember so clearly being worried about being able to love baby #2 as much as "miracle" baby #1. I even mentioned my concerns to the nurse, and she told me not to worry, and that what I was feeling was very common. Well, needless to say, I love this boy! Here's my tribute to him...

1) Greg is an incredible student who has always gotten great grades.
2.) Greg is an amazingly talented athlete. I love to watch him play sports.
3.) Greg is a good dancer with some pretty smooth moves. ( We have no idea where this talent came from.)
4.) Greg is friends with everyone and is very social and loves to hang with his friends, both male and female.
5.) Greg has high standards and has always been faithful in keeping those standards, but is not judgmental towards those who may be struggling.
6.) I love that every night he still says, "Goodnight, Mom. I love you."
7.) Greg finally beat his dad on the basketball court, which has been an ongoing competition!
Happy Birthday, Greggy! I love you! Mom XO


Gramma C said...

Perfect tribute. He's certainly not "My Little Greggy" anymore, is he?! I always knew you could (and would) love #2 (and #'s 3,4,5,6,& 7) as much as #1. A Mom's heart just keeps expanding.

Jen Romney said...

Aunt Janeen that is the perfect tribute for greg. I can't wait to see you all soon. I hope everyone is doing well. If you want to see my blog my address is http://misssplit.blogspot.com. I can't believe greg is 18. wow.