"What I love is near at hand."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Back to school.

Johnny: 10th gr.
Timmy: 8th gr.

Jakey: 6th gr.
Matty: 3rd gr.
Sammy: Kindergarten

*While I cried a little about Sammy being gone all day, every day, and the fact that this marks the end of a stage of life for me, I did LOVE the total quiet at my home. They all seemed to have a great experience. Matty said his class loves their teacher so much, that no one wanted to go home at the end of the day!


Crazymamaof6 said...

totally handsome boys! and way cute what matty had to say about it.

Roy and Jenna Stephenson said...

Back to school already? Where did the summer go?? All of the boys are growing up so quickly. They will be young men before we know it (including Sammy). Janeen dear, enjoy the few hours of peace and quiet you now have. You have certainly earned that pleasure. Please give everyone our love!