"What I love is near at hand."

Friday, January 29, 2010


My baby turns five this year! Five! That just can't be.
That's just crazy.

I love being home with just him, and he loves it, too.
We read stories together, just us.
We take naps together.
He plays in whatever room I'm in... content to be home with just me.
On the days that he doesn't have school,
we call it "a stay-home-with-momma day!"
(and he gets the cookie dough beaters all to himself!!!)

I thought that by the end of seven children, I would be
ready for them all to be gone off to school.
I'm not.

Gosh, I love this little boy. So, so happy I decided to
go for another one at the "older" age of 43!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas 2009
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